26th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata
28 Jun-1 Jul 2022 Rouen (France)

Welcome To The CIAA 2022 Website!

The 26th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata (CIAA'22) will be held in Rouen, June 28-July 1 2022, and is organized by the GR²IF and the LITIS laboratories (University of Rouen Normandie).

CIAA 2022 group photo

The conference will take place at the Atrium, in Rouen, a city rich in monuments. 

Rouen was called "la ville aux cent clochers" ("The city with a hundred bell towers") by Victor Hugo and "l'Athènes du genre Gothique" ("the Athens of the gothic style") by Stendhal. It is notably famous for its cathedral, immortalized by the paintings of Claude Monet.

The Rouen courthouse, which once housed the Normandy parliament, is one of the most important achievements of civil Gothic architecture of the late Middle Ages.

The Gros Horloge is a 14th century astronomical clock with a single hand pointing the hour while the phases of the moon are indicated in the upper bull's-eye.

Another great historical figure is the Place du Vieux Marché, where you can admire a collection of half-timbered houses. It was there that Joan of Arc was burnt alive on May 30, 1431. Of this castle, only the Joan of Arc Tower remains today.


The proceedings of the conference will be published in LNCS.




Registration fees

Registration: early 350 € (late 450 €)
Student registration: early 300 € (late 400 €)


Early Registration: on or before May 31st, 2022.
Late registration: on or after June 1st, 2022.


The fee includes the the lunches on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday  and Friday, the excursion and conference dinner.



CIAA2022 Poster

CIAA2022 Poster

Important dates

  • Submission
    February, 20th 2022
  • February, 28th 2022
  • Notification
    April, 11th 2022
  • Final version
    April, 20th 2022
  • Conference
    June 28, July 1, 2022


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